The gold, silver and bronze levels of the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh Award Program are offered as an extra-curricular program at the college with the training for and coordination of activities integrated within the life of the school.
Participation in the Duke of Edinburgh program is entirely voluntary and requires a high level of student engagement, motivation and ownership. Whilst the Awards are structured to assist in the development of student’s confidence, teamwork and leadership skills, they are responsible for designing, completing and documenting their own unique program. Students must be at least 14 years of age before commencing the award scheme and can remain within the program until their 25th birthday.

Participants are required to select activities in the areas of skills, physical fitness, community service and expeditions. The required elements of the Duke of Ed Award are the completion of two overnight hiking journeys, and weekly participation, in a chosen Skill, Service and Physical Recreation activity.
For more information about the program please view the Duke of Edinburgh website
Testimonial (Year 8 Student)
“I thought the program was fun and I made lots of new friends. We all helped to make the decisions for the hike and my group worked well as a team by interpreting the map, using the compass, cooking our own food and developing a newfound respect for the tough but beautiful landscape we walked.”